Just like ol' times
I'm sitting here at work at around 11:15pm furiously attempting to get some work done. The deadline is ever approaching. A week from today, this hell will be over. But in the meantime, i'm sitting here, in the wee hrs of the night, watching this computer chug-a-lug over this ludicrously huge rats nets of colored lines (please refer to a previous post for clarification).
As disgusting as it sounds, the situation i'm faced with reminds me oh-so-much of school. The whole "sitting-in-a-room-with-no-windows-holy-crap-its-almost-12-due-date-is-coming-sleep-sounds-good" routine is oddly familiar, albeit with some major exceptions. No friends here. Custodians don't count. I'm attempting to drown out the vacuum cleaners right now with some music. Normally, when the vacuums start running, that's my cue to go home. And this computer chugging at school... it used to take 30+ mins to finish computing whatever it does. Universities just don't have the resources to do anything quickly. Right now, the computer takes about 5-7 minutes to do it's thing. If i were doing this back at school, I could probably go home, take a nice nap, shower, eat, walk to school, and still be waiting for this thing to finish. I guess working for a $11.5 billion dollar company doesn't hurt either.
Another day... another dollar....
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