Tuesday, May 07, 2002

Sometimes i just wish i could just jot down exactly whats going on in my simple mind and tell you how i feel... but alas, that only creates more drama for people to get all excited about. What's up with koreans and gossip? In high school, gossip was all the rage, but coming to college, i found out that high school didn't even compare. Maybe it has something to do with the change in social group: in high school, i only hung out with chinese people, but now, it's almost entirely korean. Just going home and watching my mom on the phone and parent get-togethers, koreans love to gossip about anything and everything, and it never ends. Example? My mom keeps telling all these embarrasing stories of when i was little, doing _____ (fill in the blank with your own story). Get the drift? Most chinese people don't gossip to the extent that koreans do (there are exceptions), but in general, they don't tend to sensationalize what goes on. I have to thank all my high school friends for keeping it real and just telling it like it is. I'm constantly reminded that I don't think like typical "LA" koreans. I sure as heck don't fit any 'korean' mold of any sort (except for my hot-head, but that's genetic). All this 'rippin' and grabbing that goes on... i had no idea until i came to college.
Oh ya, back to the original idea at hand... I don't get why people need to know the lastest and greatest bit of information about everyone. Why do you care? What is it about knowing what goes on in other peoples lives that makes it so interesting, and once you find out, you tell everyone you know? If it's important enough for you to know, they'll tell you. I think that's why i'm so hesitant to tell people what goes on in my life... i've seen so many instances of people letting their guard down and telling somebody something, and then within a matter of hours, they've got the spanish inquisition breathing down their necks asking about it. So many times, i've wanted to tell people what going on in my life to lift the 'burden off my chest', but i can't because i know that if i do, i'm gonna have to reap the whirlwind, which i know is something that i don't want to deal with.

I dunno... maybe i need to learn to trust other people more...