Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Wow... what a crazy weekend

My old roommates all came to the city this weekend, and of course, we had to go out and celebrate. So much happened, and it's all too hard to put down in this little blog, but needless to say, we had a blast. It was just an awesome time hanging out again, especially in a different setting. I think the highlights of the weekend including seeing ryan going buck-wild in a club and seeing han again after a long long time. Just like old times =)

Some highlights of the weekend before i pass out from lack of sleep:
  • Ryan left California... unbelievable
  • Seeing some amazing jazz musicians, as well as getting the opportunity to meet one and finding a hook-up for blue-note. Sweeeeeeeeeeet
  • Hanging out with Troy, Han, and Ryan, all at the same time. Just like old times. But kind of weird hanging out in Yoshinoya's. We all came to new york city to hang out in yoshinoyas....
  • Walking up and down the city twice in the same day, a portion of the brooklyn bridge, eating to beyond stuffed, and still finding the energy to go out at night and do hw afterwards
So much has changed, a few years have passed, but somehow, we're all the same. Good times =)


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