I think my blog has degraded into something dumb and stupid... it's not even really informative or life-inspiring. I look at other peoples i.e. david shin, jongmin, kee, and all i can think is 'wow, my blog sucks...'
maybe i'll update this thing tomorrow with something a little bit more profound and deep than my mumblings or boring banter. That's the other thing, my blog entries are stinkin' short, if you can even call them short. They're like one liners or something like that. But the more I think about it, i realize i can't blab on and on about stuff. I find it amazing how english/literature/pysch/(fill in general humanities) majors can rattle off 5-10 page papers in a few hrs. I remember taking Poli Sci 2, and took me about a day and half to come up with a page and half worth of nothing. My roommate sat down for the same class, churned out his 2 page blurb in a few hrs. Maybe I'm EECS for a reason... and as much as i hate the major and everything that's associated with it, i realize that's all i can do. How sad is that... knowing that you don't really 'like' what you're doing but can't change it because you can't do anything else. Looking back, not that many people know what i'm majoring in. It basically comes down to that i'm afraid to tell people what i'm majoring in, since the usual reaction i get from people is "ick" or "gross" (gee-won can vouch for me on this one). I'm not saying that EECS isn't as nasty as it is, because it just is, but I think people really don't understand that the 'ick'-y bit is due to the actions of a select few individuals who tend to defy most of the norms of society (showering, shaving, personal hygiene). No doubt that these people are gross, and that you'd rather hug a bum than be caught in Soda of Cory Hall, but the vast majority of us aren't as bad as you guys play us out to be. Sure, you think we're dorky, nerdy, whatever, but just think of it from our perspective; we think you guys are nuts reading books and getting all fired up about 'idealistic' principles and blindly supporting a lost cause. My only response to all of the critics out there: To each his own. If it floats your boat, screw what other people think. As long as you're comfortable doing what you're doing and somewhat happy doing it, it doesn't matter what other people perceive of you.
That's another thing... i think people these days are worried too much about 'what other people think of them' or 'is this politically correct?'. I say do it because you want to do it, and if people have a problem with it and you conform to their desires and wishes, then you're just selling out and compromising self. Because no matter what you do or how hard you try, you're always going to piss someone off. And if they don't appreciate you for who you are, then they're not worth trying to please. I personally try to live a life worthy of the grace of God, try to be as morally straight as i can possibly be. Just as my Savior said, "Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you" (luke 6:27). As hard as it has been in the past, I try to the best of my ablility to treat everyone with the upmost respect and compassion, because i believe wholeheartedly that what goes around, comes around. Just a little something to keep in mind... =)