Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Well... looks like election 2004 is over. Bush won. It's probably the same thing as the last time. More lawsuits, election recounts, blah blah blah. But I call my money on Bush sticking around for another 4 years.

Yay. For another 4 years, a village in Texas will be missing it's idiot. My friend said it best, quoting Einstein: Stupidity isn't not knowing the right answer. It's doing the same thing twice and expecting different results.

On a lighter note, today was an official univeristy holiday for election day. Which means, they wanted us to go out there and vote and be proactive. But me? Nope. Sorry. I sat at home watching the boob tube and listening to Tom Brokaw spew about swing states and electoral votes and Ohio. Whopee.

At least i got a 6 day weekend out of it


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